Tuesday, January 8, 2013

When things don't go as planned.

Last week, I had a cold.  A sneezing-my-head-off, stuffy-nosed, sore throat cold.  The last thing I wanted to do was drag myself out of my nice, warm bed at 4 a.m. and head to the gym.  But I knew that 1) I'd be mad at myself if I didn't go, and 2) I would feel better if I got up and got my blood pumping.  So I went.  And I had some of the best workouts I've had in a long time and felt pretty good all day long afterwards.

Yesterday, I weighed in the morning and discovered that I haven't lost ANY weight in the past four or five weeks.  Still 136.  I've been eating as close to perfect as humanly possible and working out consistently.  I don't usually let the scale bother me (see previous blog posts), but was honestly quite surprised that it hadn't moved AT ALL.  I also found out that something I'd been working towards that was supposed to happen in February (four weeks away) had been postponed.  When I have a goal in mind, I am really focused and work hard until that goal is realized.  When things change, I feel lost and deflated. 

As with most people, the negative self talk began.  Why am I working so hard for the number on the scale to stay the same?  And if things are being postponed, maybe I should just take a break, eat what I want for a few days and then get back to it.  But here is the reality.  I had my body fat tested when I got to the gym yesterday morning.  In the past five weeks, I have packed on an amazing FOUR pounds of muscle.  I didn't even know my body was capable of doing that.  And although my fitness goal has been postponed, it hasn't been cancelled.  I still have a certain physique I am trying to achieve, and whether or not I have a deadline I'm working towards, I still need to keep my long-term goals in mind.  Long-term, 'big picture' thinking is not my strength, but something I know I need to work on.  This is a perfect opportunity for me to grow.

So when you encounter what you THINK is a setback, consider it from all angles.  Is it really a setback?  Or is it an opportunity?  Each time you ignore the negative self talk, it loses a little more control over your life.  Eventually, it will be nothing more than a whisper.

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