Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Super Squats, Day 1

I started a new program today based on a book entitled Super Squats.  (It can be purchased on Amazon here.)  It has what I consider to be a pretty outrageous claim of packing on 30 pounds of muscle in just six weeks.  Granted, the book is geared towards men, men who are probably much, much larger than I am.  However, as a woman who would like to gain five to seven pounds of muscle (and minimize fat gain in the process), I figure this program is worth a shot.  It is very different than anything I have done before, and I'm pretty excited about it.  The basic premise is that you do primarily compound exercises and only lift two or three times a week.  You do a full-body workout on those days, and there are only eight exercises.  Of those eight, about half of them only require one set...one very large, very heavy, challenging set. 

Oh, and you're supposed to drink a gallon of milk each day.

Did I mention I eliminated dairy from my diet back in July?

Not that I never, ever have dairy, but it's pretty rare.  I thought about ignoring that part of the program, but I have about three containers of whey protein gathering dust in my cabinets and wouldn't object to mixing them with skim milk to make them taste even better.  I figure if I'm going to put forth the effort of doing the workouts as they should be done, I might as well give them the benefit of the doubt and drink the milk, too.

I'm going to TRY not to weigh for the next six weeks, but if I'm competely honest with myself, I know that's highly unlikely.  I have gotten to a point, though, where the scale doesn't automatically dictate my mood like it used to.  I'm going to mainly gauge my progress by my favorite pair of brown shorts.  They fit great right now, and as long as they continue to fit at least as well as they currently do, I will be happy.  If the scale goes up and the shorts still fit, that's even better.  That means I'm gaining muscle and not much fat.  THAT is the goal.

So here is what my typical week will look like over the next six weeks:
Monday--full-body workout and about fifteen minutes of LISS cardio
Tuesday--abs workout and about 30 minutes of LISS cardio:  HIIT in the afternoon
Wednesday--LISS cardio only
Thursday--full-body workout and about fifteen minutes of LISS cardio
Friday--abs workout and about 30 minutes of LISS cardio:  HIIT in the afternoon

Saturday will just be a day where I make up a workout if I missed one, or throw in something extra if time allows.  Sunday, as always, is my day of rest and a day to spend time with my family and in worship. 

So that's it in a nutshell--my next six weeks.  I'll get my body fat tested in about five weeks.  We'll be going on vacation shortly after that, and it will inevitably throw off my training schedule.

Side note:  I did my first workout this morning, and I'm already sore.  All over.  Really sore.  I'm one of those people who usually doesn't get sore 'til two days later.  I'm in a whole heap of trouble!  Better start medicating now...

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