Thursday, February 28, 2013

BSN Photo Shoot

So, this morning was my long-awaited photo shoot with BSN. I was supposed to meet them at 9:00 a.m., so I got up at 5:15 to give myself plenty of time to get ready and not feel rushed. I made the decision to curl my hair, and if I had known it was going to take TWO HOURS, I might not have done it. However, I was thrilled with how it turned out, and I'm glad I did it.

Here is how it looked right after I finished curling it:

And after I finished messing with it:

I grabbed some breakfast, then went back to put on makeup, grabbed the things I thought I might need for the shoot, and headed over to the pre-arranged meeting place with BSN. They took us over to a gym for our photo shoot, and EVERY OTHER SUPPLEMENT COMPANY ON THE PLANET was doing a photo shoot there today, too. That may be a slight exaggeration, but the place was packed. We were getting ready to shoot, and in walks on of the fitness personalities I most admire, Amanda Latona. She was shooting with the same group I was in (she is sponsored by BSN), so I introduced myself to her and asked her if I could get an autograph later.

Anyway, We proceeded with the shoot. The photographer was amazing. He made me feel so comfortable from the get-go, and I was so glad that I wasn't feeling tense or nervous. Just enjoying the experience.  This are the two outfits I wore during the shoot:

After we finished, I got Amanda to sign a poster of her that I had brought with me just in case I was able to meet her. AND she took a couple of photos with me, too! I was so honored to meet her and discover that she is so likeable...a ham, really. :-)

Now I'm back at the hotel, coming down off the emotional high that I've been on all day! Enjoying a cup of coffee, uploading a few pics, and trying to keep you all informed!  Oh, and look how well my hair held the curl--this is about eight hours later.  I have NEVER had curl stay this long!   


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