How do I stay motivated?
Well, to put it simply, I don't.
Motivation does not wake me up at 4:00 every morning. Setting my alarm wakes me up. Motivation does not help me get dressed and
get out the door. Setting my clothes and
gym bag out does that. Discipline is
what helps you succeed. Motivation is
merely what gets you started. It doesn’t
last. Looking at ‘before’ and ‘after’
photos on Facebook is great, but only works for a moment. Inner drive—wanting it so bad that failure is
not an option—THAT is what will help you succeed.
If you are counting on motivation to get you in shape, you
will fail. Motivation is an emotion, and
emotions are fleeting. Our society,
unfortunately, is one that is ruled by emotions. We do things because we feel like it, or
avoid doing things because we DON’T feel like it. I haven’t been successful in life because
I’ve done the things I’ve felt like doing.
I’ve been successful because I’ve done the things I really didn’t want
to do. I’ve done the things I was afraid
to do. I’ve done the things that I knew
I just might not be able to do.
I am writing this because if I said it to everyone who said,
“I lost my motivation” or “I just can’t get/stay motivated”, I’d pull my hair
out. And I’d never stop talking because
I encounter those people ALL the time.
Heck, I’ve BEEN one of those people!
I lost motivation so many times and quit that I just got sick of myself,
got sick of quitting, and finally said ‘enough is enough’. I still fail, but I don’t quit. I still backtrack, but I don’t quit.
I KNOW that I will reach my goals only because I refuse to
give up on them; I refuse to quit trying.
If you’re reading this and you’re looking to all these Facebook pages
for motivation, please do yourself a favor and stop. I’m not saying to stop looking at them—after all,
I love seeing before and after photos as much as anyone else—just please stop
looking to them to keep you motivated.
Have a heart-to-heart with yourself about what you want and why you want
it. And how badly you want it. And what you’re willing to do to get it. I have some pretty lofty fitness goals, but I
know that my relationship with Christ comes first, and my family comes
second…everything else comes after that, including fitness.
So make a pact with yourself to quit quitting. Quit looking for external motivation. Decide what you want, and then go after it. Don’t be motivated. Be disciplined. You can do it, but will you?